Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here Goes Nothin!

Well, in class we were asked to do an assignment ant put together a 5-picture portfolio of our black and white edited photos. Long story short, here they are :)

It's so hard to pick a favorite! I really like the first, third and fifth pictures. I guess if I HAD to pick one, it'd be the first one. I spent the most time on it trying to make it look the best, although I still don't think it looks the best it could. I'm not quite sure what to do with it though to make it look as crisp and get the contrast I really want. Nevertheless, I'm still a fan of it. If you have any ideas on any of these, PLEASE let me know! Thanks! :D


  1. I really like the first image, like you said, it's so hard to pick only one, but if I had to, then I would pick the first one :) Great job!

  2. Amanda, these photos make a pretty nice little series. Certainly the first and last images are the strongest in terms of interesting composition. Choosing such extreme angles to shoot make them visually wowing. But don't overlook the beautiful value range of the pier on the water. The contrast of that crisply white railing against its darker surroundings is working quite well. The photo of the gazebo is the weakest, mainly because the composition is less excited than the others. Overall, though, good job.

  3. This is a great selection of photographs. I love the third because the ripple in the water brings it to life.

  4. I really like the 3rd one. Great work!

  5. I think the overall value of the set seems to go quite well. I like the first photo as its the most unique. I also liked picture 3 in how the white railing is really "popping" with a great contrast with the water and ducks. Great job =)

  6. I really like the one of the pond. the railing is nice against the water and ripples. I think these are all awesome!

  7. I think these are great. They all seem to be fairly dark in color. I especially like the last one
